Saturday, April 2, 2011


Now that I'm farther along on him, I'm noticing Quick Draw has quite the caboose on him. We all like a big-butted stock horse, but this guy is a bit extreme! I like where the left side is blocked in at, but that right side...oh my.

So, to help me really see how much better it's going to look when I take away, I've Photoshop'd the first image to this:

His tail only has the right side sculpted so don't let that throw off your center line perspective. I also think it looks like his head is tilting ever so slightly to the left. Super easy fix. I find it's a really good thing to take lots of photos of your work in key points of the process. Looking at your horse via a photo clears your tired eyes and gives you a new perspective. I saw some other things that needed fixing besides just the width of the derrière.


Aldreahart said...

AAAHHH!! Quarter horse!!Big tanky man!! My weakness, I have lone star and the reiner, sencillo, working girl!! Love the big butts, your guy is awesome!!

Laura Skillern said...

Hehe--my mare's butt looks exactly like the top photo when viewed from above. I think her butt was actually wider side to side than front to back (at least before we started working collection.)